Hard Edge
Hard Edge

Bret Price, 2015, Painted steel on chrome base, 14 x 9 x 5 inches

Piece of Mind
Piece of Mind

Bret Price, 2015, Stainless steel on chrome base, 22 x 14 x 4 1/2 inches

Ultra Marine
Ultra Marine

Bret Price, 2015, Painted steel on chrome base, 14 x 10 1/2 x 4 inches


Bret Price, 2008, Painted steel on chrome base, 10 x 13 x 5 inches

Learning Curve
Learning Curve

Bret Price, 2015, stainless steel on chrome base, 27 x 18 x 6 inches

Short Stop
Short Stop

Bret Price, 2010, Painted steel on chrome base, 10 x 24 x 5 inches


, 2015, Painted steel on chrome base, 26 x 28 x 7 inches